HW Creativity

I have noticed over the years that creativity doesn't always have to be the creation of something new. Creativity can also be taking something old and creating a spin off of it/using it to fit todays society. For example, there are a bunch of songs that I listened to that my mom recognized some of the lyrics were from songs she used to listen to as a kid. She found it cool that someone used something from her generation and made it fit for kids today. I felt this story about my mom was relevant after I read the article, Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of its Critters, But Why?,  because this article talks about how people on the internet were taking Disney characters and making them funny to todays generation. For example, they discuss how characters were taken and used in videos starring hit songs from that time (they used the song Crank that in the article). And even though they were a little mad about the copyright issues/legal issues of this, they were even amazed that someone thought to make something as creative as these videos. One Nickelodeon spokesman even commented that a Spongebob video was really good. Even Memes today show creativity, I feel, and it makes people happy and laugh.


  1. Hi Elizabeth,

    I agreed with you that creativity can be a 'creation' of something new. Although it may not be completely original, we are sharing and exchanging ideas, which is another form of creating an interactive and engaging community.

    Also, I thought memes is a great example of new media for our generation. I scroll through a ton of memes on the daily basis! :)

    1. Yes, I just watched a documentary on the new creativity of this generation even if its not completely original, for instance using something from past to create something new. Thanks for liking that! I love memes, they really brighten my day, I'm glad you and I share that! Thanks for your comment :)

      All the best,


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