Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual is becoming the new reality, it seems. I watched a video on PBS frontline, I previously mentioned in another blog post, that showed all different types of people and ages using their virtual lives. I read two readings, one is about a virtual club and the other one is about an office job going virtual.
In the article, Ive Been to That Club Just Not in Real Life,  they start by explaining an unhappy experience at a club which he left and continued home to log into his virtual world and go to the club he was at but online. I don't know how I feel about this, in one way I think its great for people who aren't so outgoing and like to stay inside because they are more comfortable. There doesn't have to be cars, you don't have the pressure of saying something stupid to someone because you get to think about it first. However, I don't think I like this stimulation, personally, I like to experience things in the real world. You can be whoever you want to be online, I just feel who you are in real world is most important. I don't know, call me old fashioned.
What was interesting about this next article was that THIS was what I pictured when I picture a virtual world. In the article, Going To The Virtual Office In Second Life, they discussed how office life evolved after the recession took place. Instead of employees meeting in person they would instead meet online. I don't think I like that idea, this concept was also in that PBS frontline video I watched and I found it sort of dumb. If Im going to meet with colleagues online, why can't I just be home drinking coffee and doing what I need to get done whilst also being on the phone with my colleagues. Instead they want you to go places with your colleagues in this virtual world and I just don't see the point. What do you think?


  1. I agree. I also think there is a reason you here of people having massive teleconference room, where people video chat in on life-size screens across the table, than people having meetings in virtual worlds. There was a push for this technology and it didn't really last in a practical way.

    1. Right, Like I understand WHY it was created... to save money because the economy was in trouble and companies didn't have the money to send there employees across for conferences, I just think Video Chatting is good enough for conferences.... no need to have everyone meet in a virtual reality.. I don't think that is necessary



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